HZ is going through a tough time in his life right now, and it was good to sit and talk. I'd been up since 3 a.m. Friday morning, so around 11 p.m. I was pretty dang tired. HZ was a gracious host and was concerned because I was so tired. As we talked about it, I shared with him some of the stuff God is doing in my heart these days in the early morning hours.

Then, this morning I read GG's post about her personal mission statement, developed through the FranklinCovey MissionBuilder website.
I like it a lot and I agree with her -- it seems to do a good job of expressing her heart, at least as I see her. Reading hers reminded me of the mission statement I came up with at the same website almost two years ago. In October 2003 God started me on a journey of discovery that continues today. About 8 months into that journey, I found the MissionBuilder website.
Here is my journal entry from 1st June 2004:
I've heard before of people writing "personal mission statements" but I always thought it was kinda corny -- or overly "managerial" -- a friend of mine wrote one, and others I've known have done so. It just never seemed to be a "me" kind of thing to do -- and (probably the bigger issue here) it always seemed daunting. Because of the work involved, but also because of the inherent responsibility once it was done.
but today I went online and did it. Of the choices for building a mission statement, here are the two versions I came up with. The first is a "kickstart" version (crafted after answering a few simple questions designed to elicit my values). The second is a "museum" version (crafted after the example of others')
- I will remain true to my promises
- I will take steps to continue to grow in love for Cathy
- I will support and encourage those in leadership over me
- I will take opportunities to enjoy the beauty of life around me
- I will follow Jesus as I lead others
- I will worship only God
- I will follow only Jesus
- I will not abandon those God has given me
- I will strive to live a good portion of my life outside the box
- I will never stop learning and growing
- I will make my life an offering to others
- I will love freely
- I will try again when I fail
- I will look to Jesus as my source of affirmation and encouragement
- I want to rely on God as my source, relating to Him intimately, looking to Him continually, and honoring Him fully.
- I want to utilize the best of my talents and gifts, in effective ways. Not wasting time with the "good" or even the "really good" but instead focusing myself on utilizing the "best" in me because I want to impact others with the Love of God in a practical, purposeful way.
- I want to relate to others in such a way that they go away feeling more loved, and less burdened.
- I want to live the kind of life others will look at and say "that is a life worth living" -- not because I crave their affirmation, but because I inspire their journey.
On this journey, I've been looking forward for awhile; focused on what is ahead. Looking back now, over the past 2 years, I can see how God has been enabling me to live these ways more and more. He really is making me into the person He has designed me to be. That feels sooooooo good.
I know I'm not "there" yet, totally, you know?

~ cob
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